9 Beliefs & Abundance Journal Prompts
Transform limiting beliefs and cultivate an abundance mindset through prompts that challenge your assumptions about money, success, and personal capability.
What limiting belief about money is holding me back? Where did I first learn this?
What would I attempt if I truly believed I couldn't fail?
What expectations am I holding onto that are causing me suffering right now?
How might my relationship with money be reflecting my sense of self-worth?
What stories am I telling myself about what I'm capable of? Which ones need updating?
Where in my life am I operating from scarcity rather than abundance? How can I shift this?
What would "enough" look and feel like to me?
What expectations of others am I holding that I need to release?
How do my beliefs about success limit or expand what I think is possible?
Transform limiting beliefs
Develop abundance mindset
Improve money relationship
Release unhelpful expectations
Expand sense of possibility