Marriage Growth Journey
intermediate·8-12 weeks
Strengthen your marriage through daily practices that deepen connection, improve communication, and build lasting intimacy.
- Strengthen daily connection
- Improve communication
- Build deeper intimacy
- Create shared vision
- Navigate challenges together
Journey Steps
Build a foundation of appreciation and daily connection.
Enhance your communication skills and understanding.
Think of a recent miscommunication. How could you express your perspective more clearly while also better understanding your partner's view?
Marriage#communication #understanding #conflict
What qualities in my current relationship make me feel most secure and valued?
Relationships#security #values #appreciation
Create shared vision and goals for your future together.
What shared dream or goal could you and your spouse work toward together? Create a vision that excites you both.
Marriage#vision #goals #partnership
What's one area of potential growth in your marriage? How can you approach this opportunity together with curiosity and care?
Marriage#growth #improvement #partnership
Deepen emotional intimacy and connection.
What does authentic love mean to you? How has your understanding of love evolved through your experiences?
Love#relationships #self-discovery #authenticity
Reflect on your relationship patterns. What qualities do you consistently seek in partners? What patterns would you like to change?
Love#patterns #self-awareness #growth