5 ADHD & Focus Support Prompts
Specialized prompts designed to support focus, organization, and productivity for individuals with ADHD and attention challenges.
Choose one project you're working on. Break it down into the smallest possible steps. What's the very first action you can take?
Track your focus throughout the day. When are you most alert? What environments help you concentrate? What tends to distract you?
What makes tasks interesting to you? How can you add elements of novelty, challenge, or fun to necessary but boring tasks?
What systems help you stay organized? Design a new system for something you struggle with, making it as simple and foolproof as possible.
How do you manage your energy with ADHD? What helps you recharge? What depletes you? How can you structure your day around your energy patterns?
Improve focus and concentration
Develop organizational systems
Manage time effectively
Build consistent routines
Harness creative energy