Gratitude Journal Prompts
Cultivate a deeper sense of appreciation and contentment through prompts that help you notice and celebrate life's gifts, both big and small.
What three small things brought me joy today that I might usually overlook?
Who has positively influenced my life recently? How can I thank them?
What challenge am I facing that's actually helping me grow?
What simple pleasure in my daily routine am I truly grateful for?
What part of my body am I thankful for today and why?
What opportunity am I grateful for that wasn't available to previous generations?
What technology or modern convenience are you most grateful for today? Why?
What aspect of your health or body are you grateful for today?
What opportunity or choice are you grateful to have right now?
What three small things brought me joy today that I might usually overlook?
Who has positively influenced my life recently? How can I thank them?
What challenge am I facing that's actually helping me grow?
What simple pleasure in my daily routine am I truly grateful for?
What part of my body am I thankful for today and why?
What opportunity am I grateful for that wasn't available to previous generations?
Increase happiness
Build appreciation
Notice daily gifts
Feel more content
Cultivate optimism