Action Journal Prompts
Explore journal prompts related to action.
Where in my life am I playing small? What's the bold move I've been avoiding?
If I were ten times bolder, what would I do differently today?
What leap of faith is my heart calling me to take?
What would I do today if I knew I couldn't fail?
What would the bravest version of myself do in this situation?
What area of my life needs me to take more decisive action? What's my first step?
What outcome am I waiting for others to create that I could create myself?
Where in my life am I acting as a spectator rather than a participant?
What decision have I been avoiding that needs my attention now?
What small win in self-control can I achieve today?
What fear is holding me back from taking my next big business step?
What's the smallest version of my business idea I could start with today?
What parts of this situation are within my control? What action can I take now?
What's the smallest step I could take toward facing this fear?
How can I contribute meaningfully to my community today?
How can I be a better steward of the natural world?
When do my actions most perfectly align with my values? What makes those moments possible?
What small act of kindness could brighten someone's day today?
What would I do or express if I had unshakeable confidence? What's one small step I can take in that direction today?
What's creating mental fog in my life right now? What's one step I can take to reduce it?
What's one small thing you could do differently tomorrow to make it better than today?
What small wins can I create today to build momentum?
What small step could I take today toward changing this behavior?
What fear of failure is holding me back? How can I move through it?
What would I do today if I were being brave?
What small step can I take today toward facing a fear?
Which of my worries can I take action on? Which need to be released?
How can I align my actions more closely with my intentions?
What small action can I take today to honor my intention?
What is one tiny step I could take toward self-care today?
What action or insight does this dream inspire in my waking life?
What goal or dream feels most alive in me today? What small step can I take toward it?
How can I break down my biggest goal into smaller, more manageable steps?
How can I position myself to recognize and seize more opportunities?
What opportunity am I hesitating to pursue? What's holding me back?
What unexpected opportunity has recently presented itself? How might I embrace it?
What are your short-term and long-term financial goals? Break them down into specific, actionable steps.
Choose one project you're working on. Break it down into the smallest possible steps. What's the very first action you can take?
Design your ideal future scenario. What specific steps can you take today to move toward it?