Beliefs Journal Prompts
Explore journal prompts related to beliefs.
What beliefs about myself have I outgrown? What new truths am I discovering?
What story am I telling myself about my ability to influence this situation?
What belief about failure is this setback challenging? How can I reframe it?
What story am I telling myself about what this fear means about me?
What relationship beliefs from my family am I carrying into my partnership?
What fears or limiting beliefs hold me back in professional settings?
What career limiting beliefs do I need to challenge and overcome?
How do my spiritual beliefs influence my decisions and actions?
What limiting belief is ready to be upgraded? What new belief would better serve my growth?
What assumption or belief about my situation could I question or see differently? What alternative perspective feels empowering?
What would it feel like to trust myself completely? What beliefs would I need to embrace?
What beliefs or assumptions might be clouding my judgment in this situation?
What belief about yourself no longer serves you? How did you acquire it?
Identify a negative core belief. What experiences led to this belief? What evidence contradicts it? How could you reframe this belief more accurately?
What beliefs about money did you learn growing up? How do these stories affect your financial decisions today?