Confidence Journal Prompts
Explore journal prompts related to confidence.
In what situations do I feel most confident and capable? What does this tell me about my strengths?
What would become possible if I fully stepped into my power today?
What would my most powerful self do in this situation?
When was the last time I surprised myself with my own bravery?
What support or resources would help me face this fear more confidently?
What unique value do I bring to professional relationships?
What mindset shifts would help me approach challenging subjects with more confidence?
What is my superpower? How does it help others?
What is my favorite thing about myself? Why is it special?
When do I feel most confident at school? What helps me feel this way?
If I knew I couldn't fail, what choice would I make in this situation?
What past success can remind me of my capabilities when motivation feels low?
How do you prepare for performances? What helps you feel confident and connected to your music?