Courage Journal Prompts
Explore journal prompts related to courage.
Where in my life am I playing small? What's the bold move I've been avoiding?
If I were ten times bolder, what would I do differently today?
What adventure am I ready to embark on, literally or metaphorically?
Who do I become when I act despite my fear?
What fears about dating am I ready to examine and release?
What boundary do I need to set that I've been avoiding?
What makes me feel brave? Draw or write about a time I was brave.
What new thing would I like to try this year? What's stopping me?
What parts of myself do I tend to hide from others? What would it feel like to express these more freely?
When was the last time I spoke my truth despite fear? How did it feel?
Write about a time you were brave. What helped you face your fears?
What would I explore if I knew I couldn't fail?
What fear of failure is holding me back? How can I move through it?
What would I do today if I were being brave?
What small step can I take today toward facing a fear?
What feels difficult to bring up in therapy? What might that tell me?
What would I attempt if I knew I couldn't fail? What's holding me back?
What opportunity am I hesitating to pursue? What's holding me back?
What truth do you need to express? Write about something you've been holding back, even if no one else will read it.
What adventure is calling to you right now? Describe what excites and scares you about this potential journey.
How have your adventures changed you? Write about a time when stepping out of your comfort zone led to personal growth.