Empowerment Journal Prompts
Explore journal prompts related to empowerment.
What power am I afraid to claim?
What would become possible if I fully stepped into my power today?
What would my most powerful self do in this situation?
What strength within me is ready to be unleashed?
What outcome am I waiting for others to create that I could create myself?
When do I feel most in control of my actions and choices? What enables this?
How do I want to feel when enforcing my boundaries?
What is my superpower? How does it help others?
What gender-based challenges am I facing, and how can I advocate for myself effectively?
What assumption or belief about my situation could I question or see differently? What alternative perspective feels empowering?
How might I rewrite this nightmare's ending in a way that feels empowering?
What past success can remind me of my capabilities when motivation feels low?