Identity Journal Prompts
Explore journal prompts related to identity.
What old story about myself am I ready to let go of?
Who do I become when I'm free of this attachment?
Who do I become when I act despite my fear?
How do I want to be remembered by my classmates? What can I do to be more of that person?
How can I stay true to myself while navigating social pressures and expectations?
What does healthy masculine strength mean to me, and how can I embody it authentically?
What makes you unique? How can you embrace these qualities despite peer pressure?
How has my cultural background shaped who I am today?
How can I better honor and express my cultural identity?
How has failure helped shape who I am today?
Write about a family story that has shaped your understanding of who you are. What meaning does this story hold for you?
Choose three symbols that represent different aspects of yourself. Draw them and write about their meaning and connection to your identity.
Beyond your career, what gives your life meaning? How might you expand these areas in retirement?