Needs Journal Prompts
Explore journal prompts related to needs.
What void am I trying to fill with this behavior? What do I really need?
How can I better communicate my needs to my partner without fear of judgment?
What do I need most in my grief journey right now?
What boundary do I need to set that I've been avoiding?
What does my body need to feel more relaxed and at ease?
What did I need to hear as a child that I still need to hear today?
How can I better listen to and honor my inner child's needs?
What would my inner child like to tell me? What do they need right now?
How is my grief showing up in my body today? What does it need?
What is my anger trying to tell me about my needs or boundaries?
If your strongest emotion right now could speak, what would it say it needs?
Complete this sentence: Right now, I need...
How are you caring for yourself while caring for others? What do you need more of? Less of? What small act of self-care could you add today?