Values Journal Prompts
Explore journal prompts related to values.
What are my core values and how do they influence my daily decisions?
What qualities in my current relationship make me feel most secure and valued?
What are my non-negotiable values in dating?
What qualities do I value most in my closest friendships?
How can I approach networking in a way that feels authentic to my values?
What causes or issues most deeply resonate with my values and passions?
What does success mean to me personally, beyond grades and achievements?
How do my actions align with my core values? Where do I notice misalignment?
When do my actions most perfectly align with my values? What makes those moments possible?
Where in my life am I compromising my values? What small shift could bring more alignment?
What area of my life needs realignment with my core values and authentic self?
What decision am I struggling with right now? What values should guide this choice?
How did your actions today align with your values and goals?
How do my current behaviors align or conflict with my values?
How do my cultural values influence my daily decisions?
How do my intentions support my values and vision?
What important lessons or values have been passed down through your family? How have these shaped who you are?
Reflect on the concept of inner beauty. What qualities or actions do you find most beautiful in others? In yourself?
1. List your top 5 values. 2. For each value, write why it's important to you. 3. Describe how you currently honor each value. 4. Identify one way to better align with each value.
How does your spending align with your values? Track your expenses and reflect on what they say about your priorities.
What matters most to you in your work? List your non-negotiables and nice-to-haves for your next role.