Energy Journal Prompts
Explore journal prompts related to energy.
What energy management strategies could help me be more effective today?
What would become possible if I started saying no to things that drain me?
How can I maintain professional relationships without feeling depleted?
How can I bring more energy and enthusiasm to this week?
How can I refresh my energy and motivation today?
What parts of my life feel most alive? How can I bring that energy to other areas?
How can I make more time for the activities that truly energize me?
When do I feel most energized and motivated? What elements create that state?
Track your energy levels throughout the day. What patterns do you notice? What affects your energy most?
How do you manage your energy with ADHD? What helps you recharge? What depletes you? How can you structure your day around your energy patterns?
What natural energy practices could support you in reducing coffee? List activities, foods, and habits that boost your energy naturally.