Progress Journal Prompts
Explore journal prompts related to progress.
How can I celebrate my progress and growth today?
What small win in self-control can I achieve today?
What's the smallest step I could take toward facing this fear?
What skill or quality am I currently developing? How can I accelerate this growth?
How am I different from six months ago? What catalyzed these changes?
How can I maintain yesterday's momentum today?
How am I progressing toward my weekly goals?
What's working well this week? What needs to shift?
What small step could I take today toward changing this behavior?
How will I celebrate small wins in changing this behavior?
What small step can I take today toward facing a fear?
How am I different now compared to when I started therapy?
What goal or dream feels most alive in me today? What small step can I take toward it?
Choose one health habit you'd like to develop. Break it down into tiny, manageable steps. How will you track progress?
How are you handling coffee reduction challenges? What strategies are working? What needs adjustment?
What positive changes are you noticing in your alcohol-free journey? Celebrate your progress and growth.
Track improvements in your health and wellbeing since reducing/quitting vaping. What positive changes do you notice?
Celebrate your smoke-free milestones. What improvements are you noticing in your health and daily life?