Triggers Journal Prompts
Explore journal prompts related to triggers.
What trait in others triggers strong emotions in me? What might this reveal about myself?
What triggers lead me to self-destructive behaviors? How can I respond differently?
What triggers typically lead me to lose my composure? How can I respond differently?
What challenging behavior from my child is triggering me? What might they be trying to communicate?
What triggers my strongest emotional reactions? What patterns do I notice?
What triggers my anxiety most frequently? What patterns do I notice?
What behavior pattern am I noticing in my life right now? What triggers it?
What patterns or triggers consistently spark my anger? What might this reveal?
Track your coffee consumption patterns. When and why do you reach for coffee? What triggers these moments?
Identify your drinking triggers and patterns. What situations, emotions, or thoughts typically lead to drinking?
Document your vaping patterns. What times, places, and situations trigger your vaping urges?
Identify your smoking patterns and triggers. When are you most likely to smoke? What situations trigger cravings?