Understanding Journal Prompts
Explore journal prompts related to understanding.
What challenging behavior from my child is triggering me? What might they be trying to communicate?
How can I bridge divides and foster understanding in my community?
What connections can I draw between this new material and things I already know?
How can I honor both my spiritual journey and others' different beliefs?
Choose a complex topic from your studies. How would you explain it to someone younger?
What does unconditional love mean to me?
How has my understanding of gratitude evolved this year?
What behavior would I like to understand better? What purpose might it serve?
How has my understanding of discipline evolved through martial arts?
What does my depression want me to know? What might it be protecting me from?
What fears or anxieties might this nightmare be asking me to address?
How does my favorite hobby help me express or understand myself better?
What past experiences might be connected to my current triggers?
Think of a recent miscommunication. How could you express your perspective more clearly while also better understanding your partner's view?