Self Care Journal Prompts
Explore journal prompts related to self care.
What is one small thing I can do today to take care of my physical wellbeing?
What are three things that helped me cope with difficult situations in the past?
What boundaries do I need to set or reinforce to protect my mental wellbeing?
What activities or practices help me feel most grounded when I'm struggling?
What emotions am I holding onto that no longer serve me? How can I begin to release them?
What past experience still needs healing? What's one small way I can tend to that wound today?
What does my body need to feel safe and supported right now?
How can I show myself the same kindness I show to others?
How can I better honor my body's needs today?
What habits support my overall wellbeing? Which ones detract from it?
What does balance look like in my life right now?
What nourishes me beyond food?
How can I better balance my needs with those of my children today?
What boundaries in my relationship need to be established or reinforced?
What boundaries would help my friendships thrive?
What would become possible if I started saying no to things that drain me?
What self-care practices would support me in maintaining healthy boundaries?
What helps me feel grounded when emotions are overwhelming?
How am I balancing academic demands with self-care and social life?
How can I create more moments of calm in my daily routine?
How am I balancing my various adult responsibilities with my personal needs and aspirations?
What small act of self-care feels manageable for me today?
How can I balance the pursuit of excellence with self-compassion and well-being?
How can I nurture my growth as summer approaches?
What form of rest or recreation would most nourish me today?
What activities help me feel most relaxed and at peace?
What permission do I need to give myself to fully relax?
How can I create more peace in moments of worry?
What support do I need between therapy sessions?
What is one tiny step I could take toward self-care today?
How is my grief showing up in my body today? What does it need?
What helps me feel safe and grounded after a nightmare?
How can I create more safety and support for myself in triggering situations?
What healthy outlets or practices help me process and release anger?
If your strongest emotion right now could speak, what would it say it needs?
Write about a wound that's still healing. What does it need to feel safer?
How do you actively create joy in your life? What practices or choices help you maintain a positive outlook?
How do you support your body's recovery? Write about your rest practices and what helps you feel restored.
Document your symptoms today. What patterns do you notice? What seems to help or worsen them? What questions do you want to ask your healthcare team?
What strategies help you manage difficult days? Create a list of your most effective coping tools and when to use each one.
Beyond sleep, how do you rest and recharge? What types of rest (physical, mental, emotional) do you need most right now?
How do you manage your energy with ADHD? What helps you recharge? What depletes you? How can you structure your day around your energy patterns?
How are you caring for yourself while caring for others? What do you need more of? Less of? What small act of self-care could you add today?
What boundaries do you need to maintain your wellbeing as a caregiver? How can you communicate these boundaries compassionately?